Pennsylvania DMV CDL General Knowledge Quick Practice Test 1 For 2025

CDL Class A, B or C. Complete CDL driver training course. All the questions in this test are from the official DMV written exam. You can use our free online tests to evaluate how likely you are to pass the official DMV test. Or you can just cut to the chase and increase your chances of passing by upgrading to Premium Membership and unlock official DMV tests. In addition, you will also receive a master cheat sheet which contains all your state’s DMV questions and answers. Premium membership also unlocks a smart tracker which keeps an inventory of all incorrectly answered questions for easy, fast and effective revision. Practice with our free tests or hit Upgrade button below for premium access and increase your chances of passing your DMV written exam.

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Quick Facts:

Number of Questions – 20

Passing Percentage – 80%

Test Type – Free Test

1. After an accident, flares should be used with caution because:

2. An Individual Vehicle Distance Record (IVDR) does not need to include which of the following?

3. When accelerating on a surface with poor traction, such as a wet road, a driver should:

4. When starting an engine, oil pressure should come up to a normal level:

5. Using the brakes creates heat. If too much heat is produced:

6. If another driver is following you too closely, you should do all of the following, except:

7. The minimum acceptable tread depth for rear tires is:

8. A person must be at least ____ to drive a CMV across state lines.